Thursday, May 8, 2008

Feedback from last EFT workshop

Sharing the Feedback from my last EFT workshop

27 th April 2008

at Kalyani Nagar, Pune

1. I came here in the morning feeling quite distressed. EFT & Nithyashanti helped me feel better. I feel calmer, more positive. I take away simple techniques, which seem to extraordinary benefit. More than the techniques, I take away the intent to practice EFT for myself first and then perhaps for others. This workshop was a simple and clean/ lucid exposition of EFT. I also liked much the spirit behind Nithya Shanti's teachings, which to me is as important as the techniques themselves.

2. Thank you! Very open, non threatening, simple presentation. Need to maintain contact with ‘Nithya Shanti or other group member to ensure confidence in understanding. Not yet sure about working on/ for others. Personally need to feel more confident & have a more thorough understanding of work on self before working on others. The session was helpful for attitude change-- VERY important for same! Thank you for your calm, supportive approach and guidance. Take care & thanks. - Susan Khare

3. Well conducted workshop. It conveyed the essence of EFT and the techniques- following it up with a practical session. I enjoyed it as it was lively and thought provoking. We hope you will keep us posted with further development and get our feedback about how we are progressing.

4. After short-session EFT I knew it would work, but didn’t feel that I was ready to practice. Now I do. Nithya Shanti was again packed with info. Possibilities for learning, fine tuning. There was more ‘connection, with others (probably because I knew half the people already). Food was good. About techniques: felt similar to EMDR, liked the ‘open source’ availability & the fact that I can teach empower another. - Adithy

5. I came to today’s workshop only to catch up with you as we haven’t spent much quality time together for a long time. EFT for me is always interesting, though I personally only use it on myself and my close friends. Not as a practitioner and definitely not as a teacher. Meet you again on your journey of compassion. - Kavita Kowshik

6. Dear Nithya, Thanks for this kind of session. Since from last 12 years I am going through a emotional problem. When I heard about you. I got a hope that I can overcome it. Today I attended your session… frankly speaking I haven’t got the exact solution but got the hope that it is possible to overcome that particular thought. While attending it I remembered my closed ones who are suffering from various reasons I want to help them out. Before doing that I feel I should overcome my most of the blockages of my mind. In groups I am not very comfortable … can you help me out?

But one thing is sure … I am going to apply EFT on my own… will report to you about my progress and the experiences of the people whom I helped through EFT. - Neeta Kajale

(Neeta's email after a few days...)

Yes, EFT is a very wonderful tool. Every morning once I try it. It gives tremendous energy to me throughout the day….
I tried this to my friend’s mother. She is also experiencing the magic of it…

Thanks once again for the exposure to our mind and the chemistry inside.

I am interested in learning it very deeply… So that, I wish, I could be the channel of blessing for many other people of society…

Best Regards,

Neeta Kajale….

Thank you for sharing the EFT process and for the files sent. I have found the material quite useful ( I still need to read and apply a lot of it). About the workshop: I liked all of it. The most beneficial part for me, though, was to see the demo done by you. It really helped in terms of making the links to an underlying issue and then working with that and using alternates. I also liked that there was a `practice' session with partners. It helped to get a feel in terms of application. It would have been good if the sound for the video was better. Missed a lot of what was being said. I would have also felt more comfortable if there was some form of getting to know the group (at any level) in the beginning. About applying the process after the workshop: I have been applying EFT with myself before the workshop as well but would not necessarily do several rounds to reduce whatever I was working with to a zero. So post the workshop, I have attempted to stick with it and do several rounds till it completely reduces but have not been successful. I have tried not shifting aspects and being more specific. I do not doubt the process because I definitely feel a shift (an overall `settled' feeling) even after one round of EFT. So now I'm applying some of things that you've sent in the documents that hold true for me (like drinking lots of water!). Also sometimes I do rounds with the statement `Even though, `whatever' has not reduced to a zero, I completely welcome the possibility.' In any case, I'm enjoying the process. Will keep you posted. Surprisingly, though, when I've used it with another person, that person has always experienced a reduction (strange!).

Many thanks,Sandy

1 comment:


See the following sites for USA admission that the country engages in Brain Entrainment and other *atrocities ( as I have reported for the past decade):

Failure to stop the atrocities and crimes committed by the fbi/cia against this veteran and others will be answered definitively:

*[A slogan to be remembered:
The few, the proud, the brain entraining fiends of the US marines.
See:link in above referenced reports on "USMC_NeuronalEntrainment_NonlethalApplications"]